16 Nisan 2011 Cumartesi


Britney Spears is ready to prove she's still capable of busting a move! The pop star has released a dance version for her latest music video "Till The World Ends."
This version, as well as the original, were shot by director Ray Kay. Both take place in an underground party setting, however this video shows more of Brit and her crew dancing.
Ray Kay tweeted:
    "The real music video is best, of course. But it's fun to watch the choreography too."
We couldn't agree more! See the original version ... after the jump.


Jason Trawick was looking mighty suspicious while hanging on the streets of Beverly Hills with his hand behind his back. Can you guess what Britney Spears' beau was trying to hide?
Find out ... after the jump.

11 Nisan 2011 Pazartesi

Britney Spears Talks Marriage With Jason Trawick

The third time might just be the charm for Britney Spears. In a recent interview, Spears gushes about current boyfriend Jason Trawick.

"We have such a great time together," Spears tells Us Magazine. "He makes me laugh, and we are so comfortable being ourselves."

If I'm remembering Chaotic correctly, all it takes to make Britney laugh are body parts that resemble other body parts. So I'm guessing the proposal will go something like:

TRAWICK: Hey, check out my chin. It looks like an elbow!

BRITNEY: HAHAHAHAHA, stop, I can't breathe! HAHAHAHA! Marry me.

As far as a wedding goes, Spears says, "Maybe. Never say never!"

A family insider confirmed to Us that the two will probably be walking down the aisle.

"[Trawick] was one of the only people who stuck by her through everything. [Marriage] is what they talk about and the direction they're going in."

I imagine being married to Britney Spears would be the most exhausting thing. For one, you've gotta constantly...

S&M - Rihanna ft. Britney Spears

10 Nisan 2011 Pazar


For her "Till the World Ends" video, Britney Spears (with an assist from director Ray Kay) is back to doing what she does best in music videos: wearing sexy clothes, grinding with hot guys and throwing one really sweaty, underground dance party.

After she delved deeper for her "Hold It Against Me" video, Spears looks to be having fun again, smiling, laughing and seeming generally happy to be thrown into the middle of a dance orgy.

We love what Ray Kay has done in this industrial jungle that is falling apart - tremours in the ground, in the sky and in between thrashing bodies - everyone is in vibration. The scene to scene progression is mesmerizing changing hypnotically from light to dark, fight to flight, dictate to surrender.

We have one downer point - Britney doesn't take control of any one scene in the video. She is glimpse of montages that emerge, fade and pop in your face but she surely isn't leading the story. It isn't a bad thing - but we certainly love a leading lady to place a leash around our necks and tug us through the entire journey - woof woof!

Overall, fantastic sound and visuals with Britney looking better than she has in years - another hit about to wake the Globe up.


Ke$ha has a unique idea on how to celebrate her and Britney's chart-topping singles "Blow" and "Till the World Ends" -- by "skinny dipping" together!
Ke$ha says the naked swimming would ideally take place at a big bash they'd throw together. "It would be a dress-up-like-Ke$ha-or-Britney party," the singer said. "Either her place or my place, it doesn't matter."
The LA native, who recently moved into a tricked-out crib in Nashville, suggests her new pad would be the perfect place for a little nude swimming party. "I have a small, salt-water pool that has laser beams in it and a stereo so you can be under water listening to music."
Although Ke$ha and Britney may not know each other personally, they do have a pretty interesting connection -- see what it is ... after the jump!



Britney Spears has recently performed her new songs on both Good Morning America and Jimmy Kimmel Live, but now it appears the pop star wants to put on the brakes when it comes to her tour, according to The Sun UK.
A source tells the site:
    Britney has told her management that she wants to push back her concert dates because she's not feeling ready. She doesn't feel she has enough time to prepare and has asked management to pull all her dates and postpone everything until later on in the year. She's a perfectionist and wants everything to be better than ever before."
Brit's Femme Fatale tour is set to begin on June 17 in Sacramento, but now she may not be hitting the stage until later this year. The source adds:
    "She is having to compete with other huge female stars such as RIHANNA and LADY GAGA now so wants to step the show up. Obviously it's gone down like a lead balloon because venues and staff are booked and ready to go. They are trying to talk her round or at least hoping she'll consider going out in September."
Now that Enrique Iglesias has dropped out of the tour, Britney's opening act has yet to be announced.
Find out which R&B star Britney would like to tour with ... after the jump.

Britney Spears premieres 'Till the World Ends' video: Watch it here

The latest video from Britney Spears, for pulsing single “Till the World Ends,” has hit the web, and it’s pretty much just what you’d expect if you’ve listened to the lyrics (or, you know, read the title of the song): a bunch of people dancing, umm, until the world ends. Or, actually, whilethe world ends?
The clip opens with a date flashing across the screen: December 21, 2012. Sound familiar? It’s the date that has been bandied around forever as the one which some sort of transformative, apocalypitic event will occur and basically blow the world to smithereens. (Remember the Roland Emmerich disaster flick?)
But in Britney world, while December 21, 2012, might be the day the world is ending, it’s also the day that she sends it out with an underground dance party. Need access? Just find the nearest manhole in the street and slither down to the rave she’s cooking in the sewers. Because, children, she’s going to be dancing “Till the World Ends” for a long time.
Yesterday, I mocked Britney a bit when the teaser for this video came out, commenting that our beloved star was “bounce-dancing.” And sure, she does bounce-dance. A lot. But she does do a fair amount of what one might call actual dancing in this video. (Just to clarify, the reason that there is issue with her dancing these days is that it’s not as good as it once was. Period.)
And you know what, what she does here isn’t half bad! Those moments in that red catsuit-ish get-up near the end of the video are positively bouyant. And I think I even spotted a smile here and there from Spears, who looks rather dead behind the eyes most of the time. So that really warmed my heart.
And the clip has other high points: I love what’s happening at about 1:50 when Britney is sitting amongst a posse of sewer dwellers, simply pulsing her shoulders, then flipping her hair. Then comes the best part: that tiny clap-clap-clap she owns, while standing amid the group of urchins. How hot is that? Totally in: tiny claps.
As I said above, this video is exactly what you’d expect for this song, and from Britney at this point in her career. She’s producing solid work that feels good, gets you moving for a second, but that you don’t linger over. It’s got stripes of Ke$ha’s trashtacular video for “We R Who We R,” which makes sense, since Ke$ha co-wrote this song. And did anyone else see a little bit of “Dirrty” in this vid, too? Thank goodness, though, that she’d done with that whole product placement thing she ratcheted up with “Hold it Against Me.” At least, for now.
Do you love? Hate? Do you feel like going out and dancing “Till the World Ends”?

Till The World Ends

Britney Spears: Remember when she danced like this?

“I genuinely love what I do,” Britney Spears told MTV last Sunday in a pre-taped special for new album, Femme Fatale.
But lately, it hasn’t been entirely easy to feel that love in Spears’ low-impact live performances (see: Good Morning America) and videos (“Til the World Ends”). Maybe that’s why we found it surprisingly fun, and even a little poignant, to uncover this YouTube flashback (below) of Britney at her turn-of-the-millennium prime:Rehearsing a routine to The Rolling Stones’ “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” (which she covered in 2000), a youthful Brit is all smiles and snap-perfect moves, hamming it up, squealing at her own small goofs, and clearly loving every minute.
It’s a time capsule of an era, for sure: It’s impossible to imagine a modern-day pop star like, say, Rihanna, doing steps half as corny as these. But it’s also a sweet glimpse back at a talented teenager who looks like she really would love to dance till the world ends.
Does it bring back fond memories for you too, readers? Are we too harsh on Spears’ dancing today? And what are your own favorite clips of Spears in action?

Caption this! Britney graces the new world after dancing "Till The World Ends"...

Can you describe this iconic moment in Femme Fatale history? Share your caption with a comment below.